How can a man truly understand a feminine woman? 9 Steps

Best Date
4 min readJun 5, 2021

Sometimes it is really hard to understand what women want from men. What do they expect from men? When does “no” mean “yes” and “maybe” means “never”?

Understanding a woman’s nature is extremely important for building strong and healthy relationships. Trying to date a girl without knowing the basis of her views and expectations is like trying to assemble furniture from IKEA. It is possible, but there is a chance you can do it wrong, waste a lot of time or even break something.

How to understand women

That is why here are 9 tips for men to better understand what women want and need.

Emotions is a normal thing

Feminine women are extremely emotional creatures. Sometimes they can splash out storms and hurricanes. Though it is a short term action, you should be ready for that.

When you find your girlfriend crying during a movie or angry when you do something incorrectly, let her talk. It could be accumulated fatigue.

Emotional words may mean opposite thing

When you have a disagreement or even fight, a woman may say things she does not really mean. “I don’t want to see you” may mean “Hug me”. “Go away” may mean “Please, stay”.

Read this in her eyes, by her gestures and intonation. Obviously it would be nice to read a couple of books about psychology. This way you will notice these signs, like “open position” or body language.

But make sure to distinguish real emotions from manipulation. Here is a nice tutorial on how women manipulate men. It explains how to define and prevent that.

Humor when the wave goes away

Humor is one of the key traits women appreciate in men. Good sense of humor is a sign of intelligence. By the way, you can find a full list of features in the article about what kind of men girls like more.

The more humor you find, the faster the bad mood will go away and the more grateful your woman will be.

Everybody wants to be happy. If you make your woman happy using your sense of humor, you will more likely succeed in your relationship.

Strings are attached

Women depend on their emotions and hormones much more than guys. This applies to every aspect of their lives, including intimacy, touches, hugs, etc.

Also, because of this women more likely start feeling attached to a man. And even if you agreed upon the “no strings attached” rule, quite often girls cannot handle them properly.

So, if you are looking for a girl to hook up with, keep in mind that it may turn into something bigger than just a small romance.

Being her protection

Subconsciously women look for protection. And this is not only about physical security. It is also about sharing her thoughts, values and supporting her beginnings and aspirations.

When she has some kind of disagreement with other people she expects you to take her side as her protection. She doesn’t want to feel vulnerable.

You should keep this in mind all the time when you just prepare for a date or already live together. Here are 10 tips on how to prepare for a date.

Her background matters

This is an important one. In order to better understand your woman, it is critical to know her background. For instance, where is she from? What are her family traditions and values? What relationships did she have in the past?

Dating American girl and dating European girl may be different, because they have different surroundings, climate, traditions and even laws. What is good for one woman may be unacceptable for another. So take that into account. Here is a nice comprehensive guide for dating slavic girls: Russian and Ukrainian. It gives an idea about these countries, their interesting traditions and incredible girls. By the way you may not know, but Ukrainian and Russian girls are a bit different. So, that is another complexity. But no one said it will be easy.

Your past is NOT that important

Plenty of men think that their past is extremely important and matters a lot for a woman. In fact it is not.

Also, if you had a negative experience in the past does not mean she will think you are a loser.

Dating a widower or dating an absolutely inexperienced guy is a normal thing. What really matters for her is what she really feels being near you.


Women love listeners. Talking is a necessary part of their lives. It brings both enjoyment and connection. Also, if she shares the most intimate secrets with you, it means she trusts you.

And vice versa, if you are unable to develop this skill of listening to her, you will not be able to build this strong connection.


Women want men to desire them. She wants to be the best in the world for you. And of course she expects you to recognize her beauty, intelligence, charm and sexuality.

So say compliments, discuss her hair, skin, nails and new dress. In most of the cases she does all this stuff for you. So, admit that. If you are not attentive to this, it may offend her. She may not show this to you, but she will be abused inside.


Remember those fairy tales, where brave knights sacrifice their lives to help their beloved ladies.

Luckily we live in relatively safe times and don’t have to do that. Although, your lady will appreciate it if you do something for her, like give up your habit or spend a night with her instead of watching an important game. It does not mean that you must do this all the time. Relationships are about compromises. But every time time you do it impresses her.

Hope these tips will help you understand women better. They are different than men and that is why we love them so much.



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